
Friday, December 14, 2012


Visual Design Study Games


I have made a few games that will help you study for your CTE test that is NEXT TUESDAY!!
Click on these games to start playing

It's Testing time

Click HERE for the testing website

Good luck!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Study Guide for the CTE Test Next Week!!!

The CTE test is NEXT WEEK!!!

We are testing Monday and Tuesday December 17th and 18th

Make sure to come prepared and on time and good luck!


Here are a few links to help you with your studying ;)

I made different games to help you study. Click on the game you want to play.
(there are lots and lots of questions so make sure you play through each game lots of times to get all of the questions. They will all help you on the test)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

HDR Images

Assignment Due:
B day: Tuesday Dec. 4th
A day: Wednesday Dec. 5th
[If you want the extra credit it MUST be in on the day it's due]
Take photos in 2 different locations. You will have 5-7 different exposures of the same image in each location giving you 10-14 photos total. Make sure to use a tripod or set your camera down on something that will not move. If you move while taking your different exposures your HDR will not work! [for help on taking photos scroll down and read for further instructions]
Extra Credit
This is your only opportunity for extra credit this semester!!! If you need it take advantage! Your extra credit is taking extra HDR images and turning them in as a final product. You can take up to 3 extra HDR image giving you a total of 5 differnt locations and a total of 25-35 images.
HDR Student Examples
[you can do this good or better!]

What is HDR?
High Dynamic Range photography is a set of techniques that allows a greater dynamic range of exposures (the range of values between light and dark areas) than normal digital imaging techniques.  The intention of HDR is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to shadows.
How do I start?
1.   Use a tripod, perfectly stable, with a cable release if possible.  Make sure nothing is moving in the scene and that you do not move.  Merging your exposures only works with different exposure of an identical scene. They will not line up accurately if you or something in the scene moves.
2.   Figure out what your aperture and shutter would be for an average exposure.  To do this, put your camera in P mode, point at the scene and press half way down on your shutter release.  Notice in your viewfinder it will recommend an aperture and shutter to be used for an accurate exposure. 
3.   Set your camera on Manual, Select ISO (usually 100 ISO on tripod), and set your aperture and shutter speed according to the cameras recommendation from step #2.  Take your first shot.
4.   From here you will take several more exposures of the scene by only changing your shutter speeds.  Do not change your aperture (f-stops) because doing so will change your depth-of-field.  Changing the shutter speed will give you the largest range in shadow and highlight detail.
*If you do not have a Manual setting on your camera, use your Exposure Override function on your camera.  Ex: (0, +1, +2, -1, -2)
Final Product

Monday, November 19, 2012

Camera Modes Homework Assignment

Camera Modes Homework Assignment

Due: Monday Nov. 19th

& Tuesday Nov. 20th


Your assignment is due today!!! {If you're asking "WHAT ASSIGNMENT" just scroll down to the post below this and you'll see the handout I gave you last week. This is due todoay!} Here is all the information you need to get it completed....
1. Put all 20 images on a contact sheet. {File>automate>contact sheet II} Make sure you cange the rows to 4, columns to 5, and resolution to 72!!!!
2. Pick your best images from each mode you used which were: sports mode (fast shutter speed), night mode (slow shutter speed), macro/portrait mode (small F-stop), and landscape mode (large F-stop) Edit and label each image in Photoshop however you want to make your photo look better. YOUR EDITS MUST BE REALISTIC!!! Also, make sure you save each image by what mode you used on your camera. Exampels would be "FinalSports, FinalLandscape, Macro, ect."
3. Put all 4 images on a contact sheet, but this time change your rows to 2, columns to 2, and your resolution is still at 72.
4. Print both contact sheets on the color printer. COM_ART 2025. Make sure your name and class period is on your paper and turn in your assignment to your class period's box in the front of the room. THIS IS DUE BY THE END OF CLASS!

Assignment for those who don't have your

photos/camera in class...

If you do not have your photos to turn in during class today you MUST DO THE BOOK ASSIGNMENT! Books are on my desk. Come and get one and get to work.
1. You will be reading the chaperer "DIGITAL CAMERAS" and writing about what you learn.
2. Your paper must be single spaced, 12 pt. font, and no changing the margins. You need to take up the entire page.
3. Choose 2 of the 4 topics listed to write about. If you want to write about more than 2 you can, but you have to at least write about 2.
Your 4 topics to choose from are:
        1. Page 206 "Getting started"
        2. Page 207 "Memory and resolutions"
        3. Page 208 "Choosing the quality you need"
        4. Page 2010 " Monitor and viewfinder"

Friday, November 16, 2012

Camera Modes Assignment

Camera Modes Assignmnet

Due Monday November 19th (B day)

Tuesday November 20th (A day)


Objectives: This assignment deals with the basic camera modes of your camera. Since most of you cannot adjust the shutter speed and aperture on your cameras we are using different camera modes to get the desired images.


  1. Motion - take ten photos of something in motion.  Five photos using SPORTS Mode and five using NIGHT Mode. Sports mode should help you stop motion and Night mode should help blur motion.  These pictures need to be thought out with good composition to earn credit!

(Slower shutter speeds blur motion and faster shutter speeds stop motion)


  1. F/STOP or APERTURE - Take ten photos. Five photos using the PORTRAIT or MACRO Mode (your choice) and five using the LANDSCAPE Mode. Take photos of five different objects. Photograph it once with portrait mode and once with landscape mode so we can see if there is a difference in the how the background looks. The idea is that portrait mode will make the background behind your subject more blurry and landscape mode helps make more things in focus. These pictures need to be thought out with good composition to earn credit!



Thursday, November 1, 2012

Photo 1 Substitute Assignment

Please do not start this assignment until your PHOTO MANIPULATION ASSIGNMENT IS COMPLETELY DONE! {requirements for what is due is on the white board} If you finish everything for the manipulation then go ahead and keep reading for your next assignment.....

First thing. Watch these 2 videos. They are quick and painless. You can watch them over if you need more help with these 2 tools when working on your own photos. You will be learning about the PATCH TOOL and the SPOT HEALING TOOL. These tools are like the clone tool that you already learned about, but used for different images. The spot healing tool especially is used to edit blemishes out of faces.

The next video you need to click on THIS LINK to watch the video. This will show you how easy it is to work with the spot healing tool.

After you watch these 2 videos go the the 704 FILE>PHOTOGRAPHY>PHOTO1>PS TUTORIALS>#9 SPOT HEALING  Directions on what to do will be in there along with your assignment that will be turned in later this week. Have fun!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween tutorial

Today you have the chance to sever a HUMAN arm...

If you want to work on this fine treat today click HERE for a full video and step by step tutorial on how to get the job done! There are pictures below that you can save to your desktop and open up in Photoshop to work on. You have your choice between arms, but everyone needs the meat!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Photo Manipulations are due:
A day: Friday November 2nd
B day: Monday November 5th
**What is Due**
~ apple/orange tutorial
~ apple/face tutorial
~ 2 of your own photo manipulations
(created by you with your own photos)
This assignment is worth 100 points!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Visual Design COLOR

Click on this link here --->> to go to the color website. COLOR WEBSITE

Photo Manipulation

Photo Manipulations

Due A day Friday October 12th

Due B day Monday Octover 15th

Minimum of 20 photos due!!!

{You will probably want to take more}


The assignment will be to combine 2-3 images together in Photoshop to create a photo manipulation. You will probably want to take numerous photos of the same subject from different angles to make sure you can combine your photos in a way that will work and look good! Look below for an example of what to take photos of and how to combine them together for the final product.

Three photos combined to create the final product

Friday, September 21, 2012

Visual Design for when I am gone.....

The assignment is on the board in the front of the room with a drawing if you have any questions.
Here is the assignment for Tuesday....

1. Get printer paper and draw a rectangle 2 inches tall by 9 inches wide. This will be your value scale. You need to draw 9 values from white to black. Make sure you shade as dark as you possibly can. the middle should be a midtone gray. I do not want to see any sort of line or smudge in your shading!

2. One the same paper create a rectangle with 6 values. Pick any colored pencil and shade from light to dark with 6 values.

3. after you are finished get a new piece of printer paper and draw and shade a circle into a sphere. There is an example on the board and an even better example in the 704 file. To get to the 704 file go here:  computer> 704 ETC> Shaum Photography> Visual design> Value

4. After you shade your sphere get a piece of art paper. You get to choose what you decide to draw. Whatever you choose you need to have all 9 values shaeded in the drawing. Make sure to make it neat and have a good design using everything we have learned thus far.

Please be respectful and helpful to you sub. See you Thursday!

Photography while I'm away.....

While I'm gone follow the notes on the board. This is what you will be doing.....

On the computer you will click on: Computer> 704 ETC> Shaum Photography> Photo 1> PS tutorials> #5 coloring.

There will be 4 different assignments in this folder. Do these assignments in order. In each file there will be an ASSIGNMENT folder. Open this up and it will tell you exactly what you need to do in a specific order. There are writen notes and a video to help you know what to do.

Please make sure to follow these instructions and save the images how I ask so I can grade them when I get back. Thank you so much!

Please work hard and be helpful and respectful to your sub! See you Wednesday.....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Photo 1 close-up + framing

New assignment due
Monday February 27th [A days]
Tuesday February 28th [B days]

CLOSE UP - take 10 photos
(fill the frame with your subject)
make sure your subject takes up 90% of the frame!

CLOSE UP - take 10 photos
(fill the frame with your subject)


Photo 2 portrait assignment

Portrait Photography

Objective: Exploring lighting and compositions using yourself and toerh people as your subjects. To learn how to find and create the most effective lighting situations for portrait photography. To think and compose creatively, using the compositional elements we have discussed.

Project: You will shoot at least 30 exposures. Focus half of your images on self-portraits and the other half on portraits of other people. [friends/family/strangers] For the self-portraits, say something unique about yourself. Turn yourself into a fictional character. Show yourself as you think you are, as you wish to be, as you think others see you, or simply make yourself a character in an interesting image. Whatever you do, make the image more interesting than a simple mug shot! Portraits do not need to be only pitures of a person's face. 

Be experimental: Try different camera angles, poses, background, shutter speed, and spertures. Seek out interesting backgrounds and avoid backgrounds which distract from your subject. Try getting close with the camera. Then move back for distance shots. Bracket [take 3 or 4 shots at varying exposures of anything you think might make a strong image]. Try out the different lighting techniques learned in class:

Side lighting [45 degrees]
Side lighting [90 degrees]
Front lighting
Backlighting [silhouette]

Turn in:
5 enhanced 8x10 images [1 must be a self portrait]
3 portraits must be retouched
Contact sheet [30 images]

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo 1 Rule of Thirds Assignment

In class you learned about SIMPLICITY and RULE OF THIRDS.

*Take 10 verticals and 10 horizontal photos [20 total] using simplicity and the rule of thirds.
* Make sure you pick a subject. If you don't know what and why you're taking a picture, your viewer won't know either!
* Don't just look at your subject. Make sure your background is simple and nice. Don't take a photo of your sister with your couch, the kitchen, your dog, your PS3, ect in the background. Eliminate everything unimportant in your photo so you can focus on your subject.
* Set your camera up so your rule of thirds grid shows on your LCD screen. Make sure to put as many things as possible, especially your subject, on the lines and intersections of your grid. Remember where the lines cross are the best places to put your main subject. This is were your eye is led to first, so make sure there is something interesting to look at.
* I gave you all a handout. Make sure you keep it. You will not get another one!


rule of thirds

Rule of thirds

Photo 2 Hockney collage

In class you learned about the famous photographer Hockney and how he created the panomosaic photo style. Your assignment is to create your own photomosaic.

* at LEAST 25 photos [the more photos you have the better your panomosaic will look]
* pick your subject and shoot from all angles, close up, and far away
* you may choose to create a block mosaic or layer your photos on top of each other.
* This is due on February 6th and 7th [depending on if  you have this class A or B day.]


Midterms in Wednesday February 8th. YOU CANNOT TURN THIS ASSIGNMENT IN EVER AFTER 8:15 AM WEDNESDAY MORNING. This gives you 2-3 days to turn this assignment in. Make sure it happens!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 26th Substitute Lesson

Ok class I'm sorry that I am gone once again. Turns out January is one crazy month. [be very respectful and kind you your sub!] I have the entire assignment listed for you below. Read carefully. I'll be checking it off on Monday along with YOUR SCAVENGER HUNT ASSIGNMENT! [hint hint don't forget]

The first part of class you will be using your sketching talents around the building. We are going to start talking about composition. I want you to get a head start on it. Your assignment is to go around the school, inside our out, [BUT STAY ON CAMPUS] and make a hand camera with your hands. You'll look through your awesome fake camera and find a good compositon, something that you think looks nice. After you find that composition you will need to sketch that composition in your binders [if you don't have your binders yet use your notebooks] You need 10 different compositional sketches. They need to look decent. I should be able to tell what everything is so do not scribble! You will have about 30-45 minutes to go around the school and sketch. You MAY NOT go into any classrooms and you must be quiet in the halls and respectful to other classes by not being loud and annoying. You may sketch people, places, or objects, whatever you think makes a good composition. Examples below.....

 Make a box out of your fingers.

Move your hands around until you find something with a good composition. SOMETHING THAT LOOKS GOOD AND INTERESTING! Then you STOP AND SKETCH. Do this 10 times. You should have 4 sketches per page. Make them take up the entire space. No little 1 inch sketches.

If you finish early come back to class and get started on some photoshop tutorials. I know you are probably sick of those "getting started" videos, but you need to be able to edit your images without using those videos. Next class I will make you edit an image using the techniques from one of these videos and I expect you to be able to do it without any help. If you feel like you remember everything then edit them all without help. Then get the video out if you need help. You should be able to completely edit all the pictures without help. Or at least that is the ending goal.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Photo Scavenger Hunt

1.   Think about what you are taking a picture of. Set up your photo. Think about composition.
2.   30 NEW pictures
3.   DO NOT take pictures of another picture or drawing.

Set the date on your camera but take the date off your pictures.

No previous taken pictures are acceptable. Take all pictures in color.

Required Pictures:
1.    Feet and/or shoes- 2 different photos
2.    Hands and/or paws- 2 different photos
3.    Something about you. [what you like, hobbies, ect.]- 2 different pictures
4.    Water [one large like a pond or a stream]- 3 pictures
5.    Stairs or staircase- 2 different pictures
6.    Family- 2 pictures
7.    Friends- 2 pictures
8.    Landscapes- [3 different scenes] – 3 pictures
9.    Flower or plant [close up]- 3 photos
10.  Horse, cow, sheep, or goat- 2 different pictures
11.  Inside a building or school- 3 different pictures
12.  Glass jar- 1 picture
13.  Food- 2 pictures
Be creative! Choose different light [time of day] and angles. Show me what you can do!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Friday's Lesson [5th, 6th, 8th]

Class, again I'm super sorry I'm not here today! What you will be doing today is brushing up on your PhotoShop skills. For those of you who have never used PhotoShop or haven't used it for a while, this will be a good change to refresh your memories. For those of you who have been working with PhotoShop at the beginning of the year, you can go on and learn different techinques and tools.

[1st]  I want you all to redo the vintage PS tutorial that you did on the first day. I want you to do the same process to both photos [one of tomatoes, and one of a balloon] It's good to repeat tutorials so you can remember the steps and can repeat them without help on your own pictures. Once you edit both photos, save them in your student drive. I want you to create a PHOTOGRAPHY file in your student drive, and then in your PHOTOGRAPHY  file creat a new file called PS TUTORIALS. Save your pictures here. This will keep your organized.


Go to the COMPUTER incon on the desktop.
Scroll down to NETWORKS and click on 704 ETC > shaum photography > photo 1 >  PS Tutorial > Retro Tutorial.

[2nd] After you have edited both of the retro photos look down on the post below called BEGINNING PHOTOSHOP TUTORIALS. Read through this post. There will be a link to a website that you need to click on. [it says "this website" in green] This will bring you to a webpage that has names of videos you can watch. YOU NEED TO WATCH THESE IN ORDER! You don't have to watch the very first one. Start on the video called.........

 "Getting started. What is CS5."
Then continue down the list. keep going. Don't stop. If you have time watch until GS-08.

HERE'S THE CATCH...... You are not just watching these videos. You need to open up pictures that I saved in the 704 ETC file and edit your image along with theirs. [computer > 704 ETC > Shaum photography > photo 1 > ps tutorials > getting started images] This should take you a while for each video! You need to make sure you understand these concepts because I will ask you how to do them when I get back. What you will do is have your video up and playing. You will listen, pause the video, go to your photoshop, do exactly what what they did on their photo to the one you have pulled up. Each video should take anywhere from 5-15 minutes.

Please be very respectful and kind to your substitute! Thanks so much!

Beginning Photoshop Tutorials

We are starting to get into photoshop a little more now. First you need to learn about Photoshop tools and how to use them correctly. To get started go to this website and watch some tutorials. Once you get to the website you will see at the top of the page the words "Getting Started." Under Getting Started you will see the words, Setup, Overview, and Tutorials. Under "Tutorials" there will be a link to click on. Click on it.

This will take you to a new page where there will be links to lots of tutorials. You DO NOT have to watch the first 2 tutorials. Start where it says GS-01. After you watch the first tutorial click on the next tutorial and keep watching.

*** While you are watching you should be working with you image in Photoshop! When the tutorial does a step pause the video and complete the exact same step you just saw. Even though the tutorials may only be 1 minute long, you should be watching it and learning with it for at least 5 minutes until you have mastered the skill. If you are watching these at home and you do not have Photoshop take notes instead. That way when you come to class and you need to work on your photo you have step by step intstructions to help you if you forget. Beleive me, it's hard to remember every step. You will need to take notes!

Good luck and have fun!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

How to Save your Color Portrait Assignment

For those of you who didn't get your color portrait picture printed and handed out need to resave your image on my jump drive. Because of the way you image was saved, it wouldn't let me open up all the color layers. Follow these steps to save correctly.

1. Make sure your artboad is an 11x17 or an 11x11
2. Arrange your images however you would like on your artboard. You may use only one picture, or all 4, or even create a pattern. Make sure to leave a little white on the sides of your artboard so if you frame you picture you won't cut any part of the image off.
3. When your image is just the way you want it go to File > Save As > change the Format from Adobe Illustrator to ADOBE PDF. Also make sure to save your image with with First AND Last name PLUS your class period. ex. JohnSmith3
4. Once it is saved in adobe pdf format come up and get a flash drive from me and save your image to the flash drive.
5. After you have saved to the jump drive properly eject it by clicking on the fash drive icon in the bottom right of your screen. Click eject, WAIT FOR THE LIGHTS TO STOP BLINKING  and then take it out. Please bring the flash drive back to me as soon as  you are finished.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What to do in Visual Design on Thursday...

Today in class you will be able to work on your logo and business cards. Most of the class had gotten their images scanned. If they are open them up in Illustrator and get to work on tracing your image to create your logo. You may use fonts on the computer instead of tracing your handwriting if you would like. When you finish your logo then move on to design your business card. Most business cards are 3x2. You only have 2 more work days left to complete this assignment and any others that are not done. Make the time count and stay on task!

If you have no gotten your image scanned you need to draw your logo our PERFECTLY on a piece of paper. This is not a 2 minute sketch, this in a 45 minute drawing at least. When I get back I will expect you to hand me your prefect drawing of your logo and a perfect drawing of your business card. Again, the business card need to be done with a ruler and look good enough to hand out.

I'm sorry I am not here to scan and help. Thanks for working so hard!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Photography 1 FINAL.... finally

This is your last photo 1 assignment! Wow it's finally over right. Here is all the info/peramiters for your one and only last assignment.

Your assignment is to pick any photographer your heart desires. Make sure that you pick someone that you think is interesting and that you would want to use as inspiration for your own photography. Not only will you study out a certain photographer and their style, but then you will take 4 great photos representing their style.

Everything you need to know about the assignment...

*Pick one photgrapher to research
*Take 4 great photos replicating or representing your photogreaphers style.
         [your photos are due Monday or Tuesday January 9th or 10th]

* Write one page double spaced or one half page single spaced about your photograepher.
           DO NOT change the margine
           DO NOT create a huge heading with your name and title to take up space
           MAKE SURE to write in complete sentences, have correct spelling, grammer, and punctuation.

*Create a Power Point to present in class. [presentation must be 5 minutes]
    2-3 slides of information on photorapher. [their life, style, anything you actually think is interesting]
    1-2 slides on why you personally like this photographer. What you would like to take from their style and add to yours.
    5-7 slides of examples of their photography
    2-4 slides of all 4 photos you took representing your photographers style.

Remember you will only have this week to work on these in class so use your time wisely! You will be assigned a day to present next Monday-Thursday January 9th-12th. If you are not prepared or present in class the day you are assigned you will receive a ZERO on the final. [Unless you are school excused or have a doctors note. Other than that, NO EXCEPTIONS] We only have a small amount of time to get these presentations finished and cannot have everyone present the last day.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Photoshop tutorial

Head to this link for your new photoshop tutorial.