
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Photo 1 close-up + framing

New assignment due
Monday February 27th [A days]
Tuesday February 28th [B days]

CLOSE UP - take 10 photos
(fill the frame with your subject)
make sure your subject takes up 90% of the frame!

CLOSE UP - take 10 photos
(fill the frame with your subject)


Photo 2 portrait assignment

Portrait Photography

Objective: Exploring lighting and compositions using yourself and toerh people as your subjects. To learn how to find and create the most effective lighting situations for portrait photography. To think and compose creatively, using the compositional elements we have discussed.

Project: You will shoot at least 30 exposures. Focus half of your images on self-portraits and the other half on portraits of other people. [friends/family/strangers] For the self-portraits, say something unique about yourself. Turn yourself into a fictional character. Show yourself as you think you are, as you wish to be, as you think others see you, or simply make yourself a character in an interesting image. Whatever you do, make the image more interesting than a simple mug shot! Portraits do not need to be only pitures of a person's face. 

Be experimental: Try different camera angles, poses, background, shutter speed, and spertures. Seek out interesting backgrounds and avoid backgrounds which distract from your subject. Try getting close with the camera. Then move back for distance shots. Bracket [take 3 or 4 shots at varying exposures of anything you think might make a strong image]. Try out the different lighting techniques learned in class:

Side lighting [45 degrees]
Side lighting [90 degrees]
Front lighting
Backlighting [silhouette]

Turn in:
5 enhanced 8x10 images [1 must be a self portrait]
3 portraits must be retouched
Contact sheet [30 images]

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo 1 Rule of Thirds Assignment

In class you learned about SIMPLICITY and RULE OF THIRDS.

*Take 10 verticals and 10 horizontal photos [20 total] using simplicity and the rule of thirds.
* Make sure you pick a subject. If you don't know what and why you're taking a picture, your viewer won't know either!
* Don't just look at your subject. Make sure your background is simple and nice. Don't take a photo of your sister with your couch, the kitchen, your dog, your PS3, ect in the background. Eliminate everything unimportant in your photo so you can focus on your subject.
* Set your camera up so your rule of thirds grid shows on your LCD screen. Make sure to put as many things as possible, especially your subject, on the lines and intersections of your grid. Remember where the lines cross are the best places to put your main subject. This is were your eye is led to first, so make sure there is something interesting to look at.
* I gave you all a handout. Make sure you keep it. You will not get another one!


rule of thirds

Rule of thirds

Photo 2 Hockney collage

In class you learned about the famous photographer Hockney and how he created the panomosaic photo style. Your assignment is to create your own photomosaic.

* at LEAST 25 photos [the more photos you have the better your panomosaic will look]
* pick your subject and shoot from all angles, close up, and far away
* you may choose to create a block mosaic or layer your photos on top of each other.
* This is due on February 6th and 7th [depending on if  you have this class A or B day.]


Midterms in Wednesday February 8th. YOU CANNOT TURN THIS ASSIGNMENT IN EVER AFTER 8:15 AM WEDNESDAY MORNING. This gives you 2-3 days to turn this assignment in. Make sure it happens!