
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 26th Substitute Lesson

Ok class I'm sorry that I am gone once again. Turns out January is one crazy month. [be very respectful and kind you your sub!] I have the entire assignment listed for you below. Read carefully. I'll be checking it off on Monday along with YOUR SCAVENGER HUNT ASSIGNMENT! [hint hint don't forget]

The first part of class you will be using your sketching talents around the building. We are going to start talking about composition. I want you to get a head start on it. Your assignment is to go around the school, inside our out, [BUT STAY ON CAMPUS] and make a hand camera with your hands. You'll look through your awesome fake camera and find a good compositon, something that you think looks nice. After you find that composition you will need to sketch that composition in your binders [if you don't have your binders yet use your notebooks] You need 10 different compositional sketches. They need to look decent. I should be able to tell what everything is so do not scribble! You will have about 30-45 minutes to go around the school and sketch. You MAY NOT go into any classrooms and you must be quiet in the halls and respectful to other classes by not being loud and annoying. You may sketch people, places, or objects, whatever you think makes a good composition. Examples below.....

 Make a box out of your fingers.

Move your hands around until you find something with a good composition. SOMETHING THAT LOOKS GOOD AND INTERESTING! Then you STOP AND SKETCH. Do this 10 times. You should have 4 sketches per page. Make them take up the entire space. No little 1 inch sketches.

If you finish early come back to class and get started on some photoshop tutorials. I know you are probably sick of those "getting started" videos, but you need to be able to edit your images without using those videos. Next class I will make you edit an image using the techniques from one of these videos and I expect you to be able to do it without any help. If you feel like you remember everything then edit them all without help. Then get the video out if you need help. You should be able to completely edit all the pictures without help. Or at least that is the ending goal.

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