This is your last photo 1 assignment! Wow it's finally over right. Here is all the info/peramiters for your one and only last assignment.
Your assignment is to pick any photographer your heart desires. Make sure that you pick someone that you think is interesting and that you would want to use as inspiration for your own photography. Not only will you study out a certain photographer and their style, but then you will take 4 great photos representing their style.
Everything you need to know about the assignment...
*Pick one photgrapher to research
*Take 4 great photos replicating or representing your photogreaphers style.
[your photos are due Monday or Tuesday January 9th or 10th]
* Write one page double spaced or one half page single spaced about your photograepher.
DO NOT change the margine
DO NOT create a huge heading with your name and title to take up space
MAKE SURE to write in complete sentences, have correct spelling, grammer, and punctuation.
*Create a Power Point to present in class. [presentation must be 5 minutes]
2-3 slides of information on photorapher. [their life, style, anything you actually think is interesting]
1-2 slides on why you personally like this photographer. What you would like to take from their style and add to yours.
5-7 slides of examples of their photography
2-4 slides of all 4 photos you took representing your photographers style.
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